§ 9.28.010. Definitions.  

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  • A.

    "Aquaplane," as used in this chapter, means any plank, surfboard, ski kite or other device used for the recreation, transportation, conveyance or carrying of a person or persons and which is towed, pulled or drawn by a boat by means of a rope, chain, cable, wire or other flexible connection.


    "Authorized officer," as used in Article I of this chapter means the sheriff, acting personally or by and through his lawfully appointed deputies; or any other persons appointed by him in writing to act for and on his behalf to make pollution inspections, collect pollution inspection fees, and to enforce the safety provisions of the Harbors and Navigation Code, together with the safety and pollution provisions of this chapter in connection with particular use areas on any boating area.


    "Boat," as used in this chapter, means any vessel, craft or device, other than an aquaplane, in or upon which a person or persons or property may be transported, conveyed or carried upon, over or through the water.


    "Boating area," as used in Article I of this chapter, means any lake, pond, pool, body of water impounded or stored by or behind a dam, dike, or levee, body of water in a reservoir, or any other body of standing water, whether natural or artificial, within the county; or any portion of any lake, pond, pool, body of water impounded or stored by or behind a dam, dike, or levee, body of water in a reservoir, or any other body of standing water, whether natural or artificial within the county. The provision of Article I of this chapter is intended to apply to any area opened to boating where the sheriff has established inspection stations, pollution control, patrol for safety, and the collection of pollution inspection fees.


    "Person," as used in Article I of this chapter, means and includes any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, estate, trust or organization of any kind.


    "Pollution," as used in Article I of this chapter, means an impairment of the quality of the waters of the state by sewage or any other substance or material of any nature whatsoever, which does not create an actual hazard to public health but which does adversely and unreasonably affect such waters for domestic or recreational use.


    "Pollution control permit," as used in Article I of this chapter, means a permit issued by the sheriff for a fee regulating the inspection and control of the special use areas upon any boating area which must be policed by the sheriff.


    "Pollution inspection fee," as used in Article I of this chapter, means that fee for pollution inspection for special use areas including but not limited to a contribution for pollution control in connection with the particular special use area.


    "Power boat," as used in Article I of this chapter, means any boat as defined in this section which is propelled, operated, or moved by means of motors, including internal combustion engines; and including boats temporarily or permanently equipped with detachable motors. Any airplane designed or equipped to land or take off from water is a "power boat" as used in this chapter.


    "Special use area," as used in Article I of this chapter, means a part of a boating area designated by the sheriff for particular and exclusive use of any recreation activity or supporting activity. Such "special use area" shall be clearly designated by posting of maps. Appropriate revisions thereof shall be made by the sheriff as required to control pollution and safety of swimmers and other users of the boating area and environs.


    "Personal watercraft" means a small vessel which uses an internal combustion engine powering a jet pump or propeller. It is designed to carry one or more persons and to be operated by a person sitting, standing, or kneeling on or astride the vessel, rather than sitting, standing or kneeling inside the vessel. A personal watercraft is a power boat as defined in subsection I above and its use is subject to all state, local and federal regulations governing the operation of power boats of similar size.

(Ord. 305M § 1, 2002; Ord. 305J § 1, 1996; Ord. 305-G § 1, 1985; Ord. 305-E § 1, 1984; Ord. 305-D §§ 2, 3 and 4, 1982; Ord. 305-C § 1, 1981; Ord. 305-A, § 1, 1967; Ord. 305 §§ 1—10, 1966).